Waiting for the VIP

I was put on hospitalization leave since last week.

Doc said you are due anytime within the 2 weeks. It’s now coming close to the end of this week. Still no major signs of labour.

My backache is progressively worse. The pain radiates to my butt sometimes – a sign that labour is nearing. I can’t even walk or stand up straight if I’ve done major walking or housework. I know, I know, I shouldn’t be doing any strenuous activity… I’m not. I get Daddy to help but being at home, I can’t help it but organize and re-organize. I know we won’t get much time to do this once you arrive 🙂

There was one time that my backache was so painful. I was actually crawling around the room on my 4’s. I had sat down to reorganize something and I just couldn’t get up. So I thought well, let’s make do and started crawling around the room. Daddy and the cats looked at me like I was possessed but hey, I couldn’t just be whining about it right?

I’m a dripping sauna nowadays as you grow more fats and even more blood flows through me to supplement you.

I have kinda stopped sleeping at night. I’m exhausted. You wake me at 2am+ and without fail, 3.30-4am you keep me awake till 7-8am.

I try to nap in the day but it’s way too hot. So I end up cranky and holding in the pain/discomfort of your growing pressure on my nether regions make me v v exhausted.

Don’t ask how I cope… I just do. That’s the strength of being a to-be mom.

I’m waiting for you to tell me you are ready to come out and meet us. You are already in the right position but you’ve not told my body that you want to come out… we are ready as ready can be. Now it’s up to you ok?

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