Why I have not checked my dilation (yet)

At week 35, we asked the gynae if I needed to check dilation.

The answer is no, not necessary as full-term is considered week 37 (or week 39 according to some studies) and unnecessary checking of the cervix could cause contractions and induce labour. Especially for first-timers.

The scientific term is Vaginal Examination (VE). Just like how I’m a supporter of natural healing, I am known as well to support fiercely what my body/I want. My hospital and gynae are pro-natural. This means that they encourage and support natural birth (water birth included) and breastfeeding. Which is great for me – natural.

So at week 36, we are told to wait for the arrival of our VIP and since it’s going to be week 37, no need to check dilation.

This is where the discontentment of a school of thought arises.

There is a camp that feels I should have requested/doc should have checked dilation.

I said not necessary because:
1) Unless for medical reasons
2) I’m not experiencing major labour signs (contractions, bloody show or waterbag burst)
3) First-time mommy and doing a check at Week 35 would induce contraction and may bring about labour
4) Do you know how much it will HURT?!?!

Look at the distance the doc’s finger has to travel from the vagina to the cervix. And mind you, it’s not just penetration. She will extend her two fingers to estimate the cm distance. If it’s not necessary nor for pleasure (as in the case of making love), why would I want to subject myself to such invasive procedure?

As if pregnancy checks are not invasive enough.

I support my gynae/hospital decision not to check my dilation until necessary. Which is probably the next time I see her since I’m only a week away from EDD. Luckily, husband is supportive too on my stand.

What makes it tough is that ‘the camp of the school of thought that dilation must be checked’ is annoyed that I haven’t gotten my dilation checked.

The good intent is that I have been in discomfort/pain from the pelvic pressure for a month now. They just want my misery to be short-lived.

Another good intent is that they don’t want me to SUDDENLY give birth because I wasn’t aware at how much I’m dilated.

Good intentions but when you believe strongly in your opinion as I am in mine, discontentment arises.

I don’t see how checking dilation will help me.

If I had it checked say at week 33 and doc say ‘Oh wow, you are dilated 3cm!’ I’ll be so excited and anxious that hey, another 7cm to go…any time now!

And then, subsequently, there is still no change in dilation (which happens) – wouldn’t that make me disappointed? It’s dashed hopes. Just like when I went for my week 37 checkup and doc said to continue monitoring for labour signs. We were SO disappointed because we were told at week 35 that she is already engaged and ready to go anytime.

Things change. God’s will is the best.

Now, this dilation thing is really making me pissed. It’s my body, my experience, my hurt, my pain. And look at the timeline I gave – week 35 to now.

I’m not afraid to stand for what I believe in. Keeping quiet does not mean I lose. It just means I respect the other person for their opinion and let them say their piece. I’ve said mine and I don’t need to win you over, just like how I don’t want to be won over.

It’s not being arrogant but knowing your body and what you want/know is best That’s why, read up! And having a supportive partner really really really helps.

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