Welcoming our Happiness!!

14 Jul ‘15

The day you were born.

Your position was ready to come out anytime for a few weeks now. Mommy had to endure the weight and the ever-increasing pressure on my pelvis. I was kinda afraid if you’ll literally pop out anytime.

I didn’t know what kind of contractions pain to expect since I was already in aches and pains anyways. Braxton Hicks’ were more frequent but not long enough to be considered a contraction. I had to keep timing to make sure.

When I was walking up and down the room about 3am, the pains got more intense…time between each one was getting shorter… and faster.

Everyone was eating sahur (pre-dawn meal) when I felt weak and contractions came every 15 mins. Grandma said to call the ward and get going to hospital.

So all of us piled into the car and I started zikir (saying God’s name) and squeezing Daddy’s hands with each contraction.

Warded at 5.40am

I was warded and distributed copies of my birth plan to the nurses. I wanted to be mobile as much as I can.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t have anything to eat. Just plain water to drink so that my bowels would be empty.

Epidural at 9.25am

The laughing gas didn’t work for me. I was adamant not to have epidural but at 9.25am, I gave in.

I couldn’t sit nor stand anymore with each squeeze of the pain. It felt like someone was squeezing my intestines and wrangling it dry.

The nurse gave me the forms to read and the anaesthetist came to explain the procedure.

I had to hold on to Daddy as the anaesthetist tried to find the space in-between my spinal bones. He could only poke the needle in when there was no contraction. It hurts. Sticking a long, thick needle into the back HURTS. I was crying, sobbing so hard from the disappointment of getting the epi even more than the pain itself.

He had to do it THREE times cos the needle couldn’t stick through all the way. Something about me being too bony at the back.

Dilation at 9.50am

I’m at 6cm dilated. The HoD came with some students to say hi. He said I should be giving birth by 2pm.

Waterbag break at 10.30am

A LOT of water and blood gushed out once Prof Su broke my waterbag. That involves putting in a stick-like device with a hook at the end. Yes. It hurts.

By this time, various people had poked me around to check dilation. I couldn’t move at all from the pain and the paralyzed feeling of my legs. The epi made me numb waist down. I couldn’t even prop my legs up myself.

You changed your mind…again!

2pm came and went… and I didn’t feel the contractions at all nor the urge to push.

I started pushing at 3.40pm while the ward called Prof. She was teaching and we can only hope she makes it in time!

Daddy said he can see your thick wad of hair crowning. I couldn’t feel anything and it was hard for me to push.

You were born at 1606h.

My little girl. Our Falisha (happiness).



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